Mission Woods City Council Meeting
Darrell Franklin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Mission Woods City Council Meeting
Time: Nov 2, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 844 7095 4949
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November 2, 2021
• Meeting called to order.
• Roll Call
• Review/approval of October 5, 2021 minutes
• Review/approval of warrants
• Review of police report.
• New Business.
Lauren Aleshire’s resignation.
• Old Business.
Discussion of active projects.
1. Crosswalk at Mission Woods Terrace and
2.Installation of city banners along SMPW
between State Line and western boundary
of city.
3. Consultant to review need for additional
streetlights in Mission Woods.
4. Connected Community Sidewalk project.
New sidewalks north of SMPW between
Rainbow and State Line and north of State
Line to 50 Terrace.
5. City website.
• Meeting open to discussion by council and
• Motion to Adjourn.
• Meeting called to order.
• Roll Call
• Review/approval of October 5, 2021 minutes
• Review/approval of warrants
• Review of police report.
• New Business.
Lauren Aleshire’s resignation.
• Old Business.
Discussion of active projects.
1. Crosswalk at Mission Woods Terrace and
2.Installation of city banners along SMPW
between State Line and western boundary
of city.
3. Consultant to review need for additional
streetlights in Mission Woods.
4. Connected Community Sidewalk project.
New sidewalks north of SMPW between
Rainbow and State Line and north of State
Line to 50 Terrace.
5. City website.
• Meeting open to discussion by council and
• Motion to Adjourn.